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Prosthodontics Referral Dentist

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Dr Wail Girgis

Specialist Prosthodontist and Implantologist

Dr Wail Girgis is a consultant in prosthodontics and restorative dentistry at the Eastman Dental Hospital.

He is also a Prosthodontist and Clinical Director at Devonshire House, a Specialist Practice in Cambridge, and an Implantology lecturer and examiner.

Having trained at King’s College Hospital Dental School in December 1990, Dr Gergis went on to have 3 years in Max fax at Mayday Hospital and then St George Hospital in Tooting. He has worked in general practice, then went on to complete a 2-year MSc degree in Conservative Dentistry at the Eastman Dental Hospital. Dr Gergis was accredited as a Specialist in Prosthodontics in 2002. He was a clinical lecturer and supervisor on the MSc in Conservative Dentistry from 2000 – 2010. He then helped set up and teach for UCL on implant-related courses: introduction to implants (2 days), the yearlong Certificate in Implantology, and the Diploma in Implantology.

Dr Girgis’s area of expertise is fixed and removable prosthodontics, with a special interest in Implantology, bone augmentation, full arch immediate loading and lateral window sinus lift. He has lectured on implant dentistry at the Eastman Dental Institute and for the International Team for Implantology (ITI). He has also lectured for the Dentac Course for Neoss, the International Southern Implants World Symposium, and the Nobel in Sweden for the Full Arch Technique.

He has run implant-orientated courses at his practice for sinus lifts, full arch for Nobel Biocare, Straumann and Neoss and year-long foundation courses.

Dr Girgis also mentors dentists at every level of their implant journey, from starting to full arch loading. He is also one of the clinical Centres for the VSS Academy MSc in Implantology and an examiner for them. He also runs clinical case discussions on a monthly basis for VSS.

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