Team members are expected to make every effort to avoid a difficult situation arising with a patient overpayment of fees. The use of court action or debt collectors as a means of obtaining a settlement of outstanding accounts will only be considered when all reasonable steps to obtain payment have first been taken in writing.
Patients will be made aware of the fees, payment methods and conditions when their appointments are made. It will be explained to all patients that they will be expected to pay fees as the treatment progresses, with the full balance due before the final appointment.
In case of an outstanding fee after the end of treatment, the following procedure will be followed:
Records of all correspondence and contacts with the patients must be kept in order to be able to prove that all reasonable steps were taken should the matter be referred to the GDC.
Special attention should be paid to patient confidentiality in relation to fees and fee recovery. The matter must not be raised with third parties, including relatives unless the patient is a minor and the parent is responsible for the payment of fees. This is particularly relevant in relation to telephone calls.